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VE Day in Wells marketplace in 1945





- A collaboration between Wells & Mendip Museum and the Wells City Archives -


The Wells War Memorial Project traces the 39 men and women of Wells who died during the Second World War and are named on the memorial.

Wells War Memorial project

As part of its celebration of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, the museum and Wells City Archives are collaborating to produce brief biographies of each of the 39 men and women of Wells who died during that war and who are named on the Wells War Memorial.


Scroll down to read the individual biographies.


Alternatively, the full compilation of biographies is available as a free download here:






The biographies will be updated when new information is found. When this happens the updated biography will be shown in the list of names by the addition of a version number after the person's name.


The full compilation may not always be up to date, so please check the individual biographies below.



The Wells War Memorial Project is being led by Peter Trueman.


As the research is ongoing, photographs or stories of those named on the memorial would still be most welcome.


Please contact the research team directly at:



Wells War Memorial 2.HEIC

The Wells War Memorial Project


Click on an image to open a biography.


Alternatively, select the biography you would like to view from the list of names below the gallery.


Each biography will open as a PDF in a new window. You may need to enable pop-up windows on your browser.

List of Biographies

Click on a name to open their story.


The full compilation of biographies is available as a free download here:

The photographs below show the Wells War Memorial, located outside St Cuthbert's Church in Wells.

The images below are of Peace Day in Wells on 13th May 1945 - just a few of the many which are cared for as part of the museum collections. Click the arrows to move through the photographs.

(Photographs by Phillips City Studio, © Wells & Mendip Museum)

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